Product display产品展示

Benzophenone hydrazone
Chinese name: benzophenone hydrazone
Chinese alias: diphenyl ketone hydrazone, diphenyl ketone hydrazone
English name: Benzophenone hydrazone
English alias: Diphenyldiazomesthane precursor
Linear molecular formula: (C6H5) 2C=NNH2
Purity: ≥ 98% (HPLC)
CAS number: 5350-57-2
Molecular formula: C13H12N2
Molecular weight: 196.25 benzophenone hydrazone
Character description
White to yellow needle shaped crystalline or crystalline powder.
Physical parameters
Melting point: 99 ° C Boiling point: 225-230 ° C Flash point: 146 ° C
Usage Description
Used as organic pigments and pharmaceutical intermediates.
Storage conditions
Storage temperature 0-6 ° C
Hazard Statement
Hazard code: Xn Hazard level: R36/37/38 Safety level: S26-36